I'm an animal lover. I've got three cats at home. If I had my druthers, and didn't have a husband to answer to, I'd also have a couple of dwarf hamsters, a chinchilla, some sugar gliders, an Italian Greyhound, and a bulldog. And a pekinese. And a hedgehog. You get the idea.
My cats love nesting in little beds, but I bristle at the notion of dropping big bucks at a pet store for a fancy bed when I can just as easily make one myself.
I tried to make some cool felted beds for my cat-kids, but they weren't that interested. So, sadly I had to find other pet homes to send those beds to. I finally found a pattern for a fuzzy-furry cat bed that my cats love.
Modeling above (clockwise from upper left) are: The Big Boss Lady (my fat bossy cat), Sadie (my shy persian), Annie Hall (my friends' hilariously tiny poodle), and Greta (my downstairs neighbors' kitten).
Annie Hall loves her bed and Bette Davis covets it!