Monday, July 9, 2012

Felted ukelele case!

Look, I've said it before:  I'm a pretty terrible ukelele player.  But I do love trying to play it.  Especially trying to work out hair metal songs for the ukelele.  You should hear my version of L.A. Guns' "Ballad of Jayne."  It really was to be heard to be believed.  Take that anyway you want.

Anyway, I had been schlepping my $60 Lanikai uke all around the city for months without a case.  And I was embarrassed by how badly it was banged up as a result.

Imagine my glee when I discovered a website that had a pattern for a felted ukelele case!  I mean....right?  The only tweak to the pattern that I made is that I felted the handle (which came out a little bigger than I would've liked) because I couldn't find any purse handles at my local Michaels.

This case may not do much to help my uke playing, but it sure does make me skip down the street when I'm carrying it.

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